Saturday, June 19, 2010

Missing Pink DS

After several months of looking we stopped.  I remember kiddo having her DS in Birch Point in May of last year and have the pics to prove it.  By June it was gone.  I think I remember her having it at the zoo...but after that - it's all a blurr.  We hunted high and low for the darn thing and by October, we stopped looking.  I killed me to let her do it, but Mom got kiddo a new on for her birthday in November.  I reeeeeely hated the idea,  but a DS does have it's advantages.  Kiddo has taken much better care of the new silver one then the old pink one...but I always say that the fastest way to find something is to replace it....well...As of 2 days ago, I figured it was a lost cause and had visions of some stranger picking it up out of a parking lot where it must have fallen out of the car...Yesterday, however...Guess what Mom found?!  Yup - you guessed it!  After being gone for more then a year, my Mother found the missing pink DS (in all places) under the cushion of a rocking chair in her living room!!!  I couldnt' believe it!!!  So - the bad news is that we replaced it.  Good news, though, is 2 fold - 1st...we found it!!  2nd...I now have my very own pink DS!!  LOL

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