Saturday, January 1, 2011


It has been 2011 for 2 minutes now, and I'm happy to report that no J-Walkers were harmed today! :) How was your New Years?? Have you made any resolutions? I'm making 1 this year...and only 1. Wanna know what it is?? It's simple - My resolution for 2011 is to Chill the heck out and take better care of me. That's it. I guess it's not really as simple as it sounds, cuz it includes things like making time to have fun with the girls cuz that's more important then a spotless home or errands of any kind, and nobody is going to die if everything isn't perfect...and I need to accept that (although I'm not happy about it) I am human and can not do everything at once...or by myself. And for all of these reasons, my resolution is to chill the heck out and take care of myself. Simple...and it's all I'm expecting from 2011...cuz at the end of the day, it's goign to turn out exactly as it means to anyway - regardless of how frantic i allow myslef to be.

What resolutions did you make??

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