Monday, June 21, 2010

The absolute refusal to acknowledge...

No - it's not my Birthday.  Honest - I swear!  Why is that you ask??  Well - I have officially decided that I'm not going to celebrate them anymore!  Nope!  I'm going to remain 35 forever!!!  Not that 35 was particularly awesome - but it sits snugly and perfectly in the middle of 30 & 40 and I am definately not ok with 40!  I think that everyone has that one particular age that haunts them and for me, that age is 40.  I'm not ready for 40!  I'm not even ready for 36! 

All the numbers seem far too high!  I don't feel much different then I did 20 years ago, but sadly I must admit that I do look very very different.  Why does age have to be so cruel??  I have tried to ignore my migrating chin - the newly forming 45 degree angle that connects my chin to my neck where a firm 90 degree angle used to be.  I've tried to embrace the abundance of grey hair that adorns my head and although I refuse to dye it...I'm trying to accept the knowledge that I will eventually look far too much like Mrs. Clause.  I've made every reasonable effort to squint in order that I might avoid eye contact on the severe gravitational pull that has left my inner thighs looking more like elephants ears then inner thighs or the jiggly bits under my armpits where armpits used to be.  And I refuse to look back (for that is where I would see that my pancake ass has fallen.  I'm going downhill fast and I blame it all on the relentlessness of birthdays.

I suppose if I continue to refuse acknowledgement of my Birthdays I'll eventually be told I look like Hell for my age...and when that day comes...I'll pick up right where I left 35...But today is not that day...and so...when the clock strikes 12:00...I will not be 36, I will not be 1 year older, I will not be closer to 40 then 30 because this year is not the year I celebrate a birthday.  Not this year...and not tonight.  Tonight I will wish myself a very happy un-birthday and wake up perfectly happy being 35 still (and obviously I will continue to avoid standing naked in front of any reflective surfaces.)

Happy un-Birthday to me!  It's good to be 35. :)


cuddles said...

I refuse to dye my hair as well! So glad I'm not alone! :)

Have a happy un-birthday!

Auntie Em said...

Oh Hollee....the 40's aren't really all that bad! You may find that once you stop having to worry over where your butt is going, there's a new kind of freedom to be discovered! Why do you think seniors wear speedos???!? :D
Sorry I missed your day and hope it was special no matter what you think of getting's way better than the alternative!

lesly said...

Embrace the number! And at the end of the day it is still just a number. You my friend could never be defined by a number - especially not a very small one like 36! (this from the gal that spend her entire 30th bday in bed wishing the day would just end already) lol

Happy Birthday my friend!

Queen Mel said...

Well a very Merry UnBirthday to you my friend!

I completely get you (miracles never cease eh?) Your lucky its not your birthday today.....

You will always be the 35 year old chick to me, even when we are in the home, I'll keep reminding you when you forget how old you are!!!!

35 4ever!

StaZ said...

you are soooo funny HOllee! ;) A very happy un-brithday to you!!!