Too many hobbies, too much to do, too little time - Welcome to the Pospolita Project.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
23 minutes...
DH was feeling pretty good and went to visit his bro...the kids were at Mom's...and the entire house was mine! Alllll Minnne!! And then - the youngest came home and it was over. :( 23 minutes. That's how long I had the house to myself. :(
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
A new man in my life :)
I have a new man in my life! He's a little cold, and not very talkative...but I think he's adorable!
Yesterday, we made our first snow man in almost 3 winters! The best part was that DH actually got to help out too! :) The snow was perfect and I just couldn't resist - so we started rolling...and rolling...and rolling...and packing and rock hunting and eventually - we were all done! Aint he sweet!! :)
Even better is that now our home actually looks like kids live here...which can be good sometimes (not so good when referring to the mountain of laundry - un put away junk and sticky substances all over everywhere) but when referring to happy things like's a very good thing! Besides...who else is going to watch traffic besides the dog??
I only wish Daisy would stop barking at him! >:(

Saturday, December 25, 2010
A Dingo ate my baby!!! etc...
A typical afternoon at the Pospolita Ranch (dealing with the local wild life)
(Please ignore the mess in the background...Martha doesn't live here:)
*Note - if you are ever in my Mothers bedroom, please don't mention that her walls are Marlboro filter yellow. Dad thinks it's funny as hell! Mom...not so much. It's a touchie subject! ;)
(Please ignore the mess in the background...Martha doesn't live here:)
While on the topic of Crayzee-May, she got to spend the day at my Mothers home while I was in Edmonton...Only 1 day though. DH got to take a field trip to the ER, and we needed somebody to Crayzee-sit, so My Mother stepped up to the plate and took the dog to her house for the day. to say I was shocked was an under statement. There hasn't been a dog in her home since old Sandy passed away, and that was easily 15 years ago! Oh no - wait...we forgot poor Lucy outside one morning and she got to spend the day in the kitchen with Dad eating jam on biscuits. Back to my point - God Love Mom for taking that on for the day, cuz she is not an animal gal. Dad is the critter lover in their home as my Mothers lifestyle does not accommodate pets. In fact - even though we always had 1 or 2 growing up...she's actually afraid of dogs! She's also quite particular about the things in her home. Needless to say, all the extra fur and drool are not on her list of likes. That said, Crayzee still managed to wriggle her way into my Mothers bedroom and made herself at home! I nearly died when I saw this picture as it's the first time any dog has ever graced my parents bed! In all 36 years of my crayzee life - I've never seen it before now! And Mom wasn't freaking out even, when she took the picture! She was...dare I say...laughing!!
*side note - I'm pretty sure she has been abducted by aliens and replaced with a host species that's masquerading as my Mom!*
And here she is!!

On a more festive note...How was your Christmas?? Mine was sleepy!! :) It went something like this...
2:41am - finally finish wrapping and get to sleep.
6:02am - Dream stealers come into my room begging to open their stockings. I consent in favore of more sleep.
7:07am - Drem Stealers send in the little one to barter for rights to open 1 small present. I consent in favor of more sleep.
8:18am - Dream Stealers are relentless - they have called teh grand parents to come over (*note - next year we will disconnect the phones*) Get up - open presents with goons.
10:00am - Presents are opened...parents leave...I go back to bed.
11:00am - Breakfast is ready next door - pry myself out of bed to go eat breakfast with teh Fam.
1:00pm - head home to take a nap.
5:30pm - woken up by oldest Dream Stealer to go to Moms for turkey sandwiches.
8:30 pm - wander home to put dream stealers to bed and wait for my sleeping pill to kick in - wheeee! :)
8:45pm - hop on computer & post pics etc. on here for all to see. :)
Thursday, December 23, 2010
De-railed...and silver linings
Hmmm...It has been almost a month since my last post, and the last 3ish weeks have been the most crazy and ridiculous, mind bending and emotionally draining weeks I have had ever! (and if not ever then at the very least then the most ever - in a row). Where to start??? Honestly - I don't even know where to brain is like dryer lint...with static front of a a room with a drooling dog. Yup - that's my brain! Too much on the go - can't think straight. Work is great, but nutz...Home is nutz and more. The dog...she's adding a suitable amount of chaos to our home...I missed Secret Santa, DH still feels crappy and the list of etcetera's that goes along with that are too many to mention...and in 2 days the fat man will attempt to shimmey down our un-chimney and leave treasures for the dream-stealers. The house is trashed, nothing is wrapped, I didn't get a single card made for myself - nor did I get any filled out. I didn't get any baking done...essentially, it's as if I skipped over November and December entirely, and just got a memo that Christmas is in 2 freakin days!! AUGH!!!! Ok - find a silver lining though...
- Got to go to Edmonton and take a pretty good course that I may not have needed...but the content was good and the trainers were great :)
- I got to see my sis. She's HUGE! She looks great, though. She has only gained 10lbs, and it's allll baby :)
- I got to see Jasper, the West Edmonton mall and a zillion other cool things. (I should have taken more pics
- I got to meet a scrappy friend from Skrap n' Chat :)
- The tree is sitll up and decorated (all except for the part where Daisy wags her tail and plows everything off the tree - cuz it would never occur to her to move and not do that.
- the kids are healthy and happy.
- I found a pair of jeans that fit...adn that I actually like (cept I gottem in Edmonton and they dont' sell them here...but I gottem damnit! :)
- All my shopping is done.
- I'm still cold & flu-free
- I got the most amazing and sooper comfy woolrich slippers ever!
- Youngest kiddo still believes in Santa. :)
- I'm getting Vodka for Christmas!! :)
- I'm off work for 10 days...but only have to use 3 days vacation!! WOOT!
- The parking police are off tomorrow, so I'll get to park for freeeee!
Ok - If I try to be any more positive, I just might throw up. So on that Merry note...From the bottom of my heart, I really and truly hope that anyone and everyone who takes the time to read my rantings has the most amazing and wonderful Holiday season ever!
Merry Christmas everyone! Here's to a memorable 2010 and a New year that better be friggen well better then last year! :)
Chatatcha in 2011!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Christmas...hmmm...Christmas - yup - it's on its merry way. I just about threw up today when it occured to me that we are only 3 sleeps away from December!! I don't know how it happenned, but it sure did sneak up on me!
This year, (life being what it has been) we've had to simplify like crazy. We're focussing on the kids only - and have cut waaaay back on who we exchange with. Even there, we've agreed to keep it minimal or make it. I also put up a barrowed artificial tree to avoid the cost and work of a real one! This is a HUGE first for me! To me a fake tree is for a fake Christmas! :)
Today I put the tree up, and decided to actually "decorate" the house for the fist time in ever! I rarely put up more then the tree and a few randomly tossed instant decorations, which are mostly candles and candle holder things. This year, though, to make up for the fake tree - I decorated over the archways too...and even decorated the bathroom!! (Thansk KimMartha for the inspiration! :) I'm happy with how it turned out and have to say that I'm not hating the un-real tree either. I do miss the smell of a real one though. :( I spent all day pretty well on the decorations...and now I'm beat.
In addition to being beat, I'm also freaking out a little. I found out on Thursday that I have to go to Edmonton for training from the 14th to the 17th of December! The good part is that I'll get to go a few days ealier (on the 10th) and visit "Booger Head" (a.k.a. my sister who I haven't seen for over 2 years!) the crazy part is that it totally cuts up a huge span of time that's way too close to Christmas! Time I had planned to use to do my baking and gift making...which totally de-railed my "plan" for a hand made Christmas. :( Ugh...Oh well - the up side is that crochet travels! AND I'll get back at midnight on the 18th! (Just in time for SEcret Santa! - Yay! )
This year is not turning out the way I would like...but it's going to be Christmas soon - like it or not. I guess I better make a new plan and get moving! :)
This year, (life being what it has been) we've had to simplify like crazy. We're focussing on the kids only - and have cut waaaay back on who we exchange with. Even there, we've agreed to keep it minimal or make it. I also put up a barrowed artificial tree to avoid the cost and work of a real one! This is a HUGE first for me! To me a fake tree is for a fake Christmas! :)
Today I put the tree up, and decided to actually "decorate" the house for the fist time in ever! I rarely put up more then the tree and a few randomly tossed instant decorations, which are mostly candles and candle holder things. This year, though, to make up for the fake tree - I decorated over the archways too...and even decorated the bathroom!! (Thansk KimMartha for the inspiration! :) I'm happy with how it turned out and have to say that I'm not hating the un-real tree either. I do miss the smell of a real one though. :( I spent all day pretty well on the decorations...and now I'm beat.
In addition to being beat, I'm also freaking out a little. I found out on Thursday that I have to go to Edmonton for training from the 14th to the 17th of December! The good part is that I'll get to go a few days ealier (on the 10th) and visit "Booger Head" (a.k.a. my sister who I haven't seen for over 2 years!) the crazy part is that it totally cuts up a huge span of time that's way too close to Christmas! Time I had planned to use to do my baking and gift making...which totally de-railed my "plan" for a hand made Christmas. :( Ugh...Oh well - the up side is that crochet travels! AND I'll get back at midnight on the 18th! (Just in time for SEcret Santa! - Yay! )
This year is not turning out the way I would like...but it's going to be Christmas soon - like it or not. I guess I better make a new plan and get moving! :)
Friday, November 26, 2010
Getting a call at work that the dog is sick - $9 million brain cells
Having to drive home during a snow storm to get her - $68 trillion grey hairs
Finding out your Saint Bernard has a Bladder infection - $95
Knowing your husband had to collect the urine sample...Priceless! :)
Having to drive home during a snow storm to get her - $68 trillion grey hairs
Finding out your Saint Bernard has a Bladder infection - $95
Knowing your husband had to collect the urine sample...Priceless! :)
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Ladybug cake
I never did post the pics of my last "order cake"...sorry for the delay - here she is. :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
My last night...
Fingers crossed, tonight is my last night of "sick leave". I have to say that today was probably the best of all days to be honest. DH went out for breakfast with his bro this I had the house to myself and wasted the time making more Christmas Cards, and watching TV. In fact, I spent almost half the day on the couch making cards! lol the 2nd half of the day was spent cleaning up the "shed". It's where DH keeps all his tools, motorcycle and also where the pool stuff/garden stuff is kept. It looks like the inside of a goats stomach in there, so I was itching to get it cleaned up! I got a decent start on it for sure...but still haven't made enough room for the stuff I need to take out there after cleaning a closet out last night. I got the de-clutter bug baaad! lol So I guess I have swapped 1 illness for another! lol Oh well - I'm glad the 2 weeks are over! (I hope)
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Daily observations
I took the goons in town today, for a little retail therapy...and to get them out of the house since I was about to start drinking heavily from being trapped with the little darlings. While out and about, I noticed a couple of things that seemed odd. 1st, was at the dollar store. While browsing through the coloring books, in between Ben 10 and the fraggles, were many pristinely plastic wrapped copies of the Holy Bible. (*scratch head*) Does that seem wrong to anyone other then me?? I mean seriously...who would buy a Bible from the dollar store when you can steal them from a Hotel for free?! (LOL - I'm totally kidding and was actually referring to seeing them shrink wrapped at the dollar store in the first place - honest! ;)
My next moment was in the line up at Michaels. A Man was wandering bleery eyed through the Isles with a women whom I can only imagine was his wife (since I'm sure he takes his mistress to much darker places;) when another dood approached him and they started to chat - each seeming quite relieved to have another boy to talk to. I learned that the first man's name was "J". I completed my usual M-crawl, collecting various items on sale, and made my way to the register. "J" was in the line up in front of me. His "wife" was chatting him up while he clearly payed no attention...but he was trying (which is all we can expect from them on the best of days I suppose) Anyhoo - when he turned to pay (God bless him) I noticed that his last name (I assume) was on the arm of his coat. His last name was...are you ready??!! I can't even stand it. :) His last name was Walker!!! ARE YOU FREAKIN SERIOUS?! J-Walker?! I suddenly had the urge to run him over. :)
My next moment was in the line up at Michaels. A Man was wandering bleery eyed through the Isles with a women whom I can only imagine was his wife (since I'm sure he takes his mistress to much darker places;) when another dood approached him and they started to chat - each seeming quite relieved to have another boy to talk to. I learned that the first man's name was "J". I completed my usual M-crawl, collecting various items on sale, and made my way to the register. "J" was in the line up in front of me. His "wife" was chatting him up while he clearly payed no attention...but he was trying (which is all we can expect from them on the best of days I suppose) Anyhoo - when he turned to pay (God bless him) I noticed that his last name (I assume) was on the arm of his coat. His last name was...are you ready??!! I can't even stand it. :) His last name was Walker!!! ARE YOU FREAKIN SERIOUS?! J-Walker?! I suddenly had the urge to run him over. :)
Friday, November 12, 2010
Soooo close!
My afghan - I'm so in Love with it! It's not too big, is super comfy cozy...but it's taking a boat load of yarn!! Anyhoo - I picked up 2 more balls this morning, before DH and I headed up river for his appointment. I got the last 8 rows done, AND started the shell edging - I was soo excited, I could hardly stand it! The idea that I'd be done before we got home!! It was glee! Then...about 4" before the finish line...I RAN OUT OF FREAKIN YARN!!! AAAUUUGGGHHH! Crap! And so - Off to M's I go to pick up another freaking ball of way too expensive yarn to finish my 9million dollar cozy afghan. Bah-humbug! >:(
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Cakes - Done!
Owl Hat - Done!
Cards - Done!
Afghan - As done as I can get until I buy more yarn...
Chips - eaten!
Now to start that hat and scarf...
Owl Hat - Done!
Cards - Done!
Afghan - As done as I can get until I buy more yarn...
Chips - eaten!
Now to start that hat and scarf...
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Don't get me wrong - I Love Crayzee-May but holy crap I wish she'd leave me alone! I made the mistake of picking up a bag of cheezies and am muching merrily at my computer and I can feel the heat from teh drool that is running down the back of my leg! AUGH! I tell her "off limits" - she stares - "GO AWAY!" - she stares - "Daisy GET OUT!" - she stares. Essentially, that's her newest trick weather I'm eating cheezies or not! OMG - She's driving me CRAYZEE!!!
Goals & Progress update
Ok - a few days ago, I set a few goals, and so far, I'm doing pretty good!
Cards - I've made 45 so far :) Only 15 to go :) Here they are :)
Cards - I've made 45 so far :) Only 15 to go :) Here they are :)

Owl hat - I got the eyes sewn on! :)
Afghan - I got a few rows done...but a long way to go still...
Cakes - I finished both - and delivered both - and totally didn't take pics...sorry :(
(oo - update - thankfully, somebody was smart enough to take a pic of the Canadiens cake :) Here it is!
Chips - I atem...then was up sick all night cuz of it. :(
So...I guess all that's left is to finish the owl hat, the afghan and whip up a hat and scarf for BFF's DS.

Chips - I atem...then was up sick all night cuz of it. :(
So...I guess all that's left is to finish the owl hat, the afghan and whip up a hat and scarf for BFF's DS.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
November showers
It has been raining here for days and days...I don't even remember the last nice day we had! It seems fitting that I'm off on sick leave when it sucks outside. While thinking of all this rain, another thought occured to me about being sick and showers and being gross out etc. I don't think I have showered for 3 days now! No wonder I feel like crap! lol I know I showered Saturday, but that's the last recall I have of being clean...yup! I'm gross!! Guess where I'm headed now! lol Needless to say - I will not be posting pics of this. :)
Remember those goals I mentioned a couple posts back? marks day 5 of being off work, so I gotta getter done. I've got most of the cards ready to I'm almost done that one...and I'm getting ready to start my cakes...I'll post pics as I go...wish me luck cuz I need a nap in there somewhere too :)
Monday, November 8, 2010
Steps to recovery
In order for me to get back in the saddle, a couple of things have to happen. 1st - I have to finish my anti-biotics - check - did that this morning. Then, I have to get another x-ray to confirm that I'm pneumonia free - sortof check - I'm scheduled for Monday, November 15th at 2:20...THEN I have to see my Family doc to confirm that the x-ray shows that I'm clear - another sortof check - I see Doc on the 17th at 11ish?? And at some point, between now and then, I have to finish my many goals...hmmm...Maybe I'll take a nap instead? :)
On a different note - Kiddo and DH are rawking out the wii in tennis! lol They've had a serious tennis-fest show down going on for the last while, and on Sunday I found wee tennis rackets for $2. each which appearantly improved their game! ;) Kiddo is quite the machine :)
On a different note - Kiddo and DH are rawking out the wii in tennis! lol They've had a serious tennis-fest show down going on for the last while, and on Sunday I found wee tennis rackets for $2. each which appearantly improved their game! ;) Kiddo is quite the machine :)
Sunday, November 7, 2010
12 days of goals...
Ok - I'm sitting here surfing through Christmas Card ideas, reading over blogs I adore and pruposely NOT looking around my uber messy scrap/craft/computer/land-fill room. I'm being sooper irritated by the 12 days remaining of my sick leave, which is feeling more like a sentence then a "break" - soooo...I've decided to set some creative goals to help whisk me through the next 265ish hours...
Goal 1: Make 60 Christmas Cards
Goal 2: Finish Owl hat (all that's left are the eyes, beak, tassles and ear doo-dads)
Goal 3: Finish the crochet afghan I started. I'm already almost half done.
Goal 4: Make a boy-ish hat & Scarf for BFF's DS.
Goal 5: Make a Baby belly cake for a shower on Wednesday (the 10th)
Goal 6: Make a Canadians Hocky Puck cake for Boss-Man's birthday (Also on the 10th)
Goal 7: Finish the first 6 goals and if I have time...make some more to get me through...oh and eat chips! Lots and lots of chips! :)
Ok - I'm off to wrap up goal number 1...wish me luck.
Goal 1: Make 60 Christmas Cards
Goal 2: Finish Owl hat (all that's left are the eyes, beak, tassles and ear doo-dads)
Goal 3: Finish the crochet afghan I started. I'm already almost half done.
Goal 4: Make a boy-ish hat & Scarf for BFF's DS.
Goal 5: Make a Baby belly cake for a shower on Wednesday (the 10th)
Goal 6: Make a Canadians Hocky Puck cake for Boss-Man's birthday (Also on the 10th)
Goal 7: Finish the first 6 goals and if I have time...make some more to get me through...oh and eat chips! Lots and lots of chips! :)
Ok - I'm off to wrap up goal number 1...wish me luck.
Christmas Cards
Why do I torture myself?? I should just pick a design - copy the crap out of it and whip them out...but noooooo...I kill trees, waste adhesive, wreck embellies...start a zillion different designs, adn still don't come up with something I Love - why? I figured being sick would give me the upper hand...nuthin but time to work them out and get them done...I thought that I'd have all this clarity during my little illness vay-kay but nope! I've killed a pack and a half of paper, made several trips to michaels and all I have to show for it is a pile of scraps and no cards. UGH!
13 days is a long time...
13 days is a long time...
Friday, November 5, 2010
13 days...
13 Days...that's how long I have to wait before I can go back to work. Having planned to wrap up this work week and take next week off was a good was my plan - then Yesterday, I got the phone call from DH. It seems that the x-ray that the clinic doc requested (which should have been ordered a couple months ago) showed that even though my lungs "sounded" clear...I have pneumonia. Bummer! I told boss-man that I had pneumonia, and planned to wrap up my to-do's quickly before the 4pm bus came to get me...he did not approve and drove me home instead (knowing full well I'd stall as long as possible). In any case - today i'm home...Sick...and borred. I thought it might be a great time to get my Christmas gifts made...trouble is...crochet is way too boring when you're sick!
Ugh! 13 days is a very long time...
Ugh! 13 days is a very long time...
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Another kiddo share, cuz I'm sick...again. :(
My friend the flu is refusing to leave and I feel way more like dying then the typed word is I need to share a chuckle, cuz the afro wig isn't doing a damn thing.
Over the summer, Kiddo (age 7) was sitting in the back seat of the car with a serious look on her face. "Mum" she asked..."Where do you buy elbow grease??" :)
I can hear the tinkling of the tiarra already. :)
Over the summer, Kiddo (age 7) was sitting in the back seat of the car with a serious look on her face. "Mum" she asked..."Where do you buy elbow grease??" :)
I can hear the tinkling of the tiarra already. :)
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Grey Ham
Kiddo (age 7 till Monday) told me that she has a boy in her class named "Grey Ham". Really? I asked - Yup - she said - that's his real name! So I thought about it for a minute and asked her how you spell it. Easy - she said...
G-r-a-h-a-m "Grey Ham". Atta girl kiddo! My baby's gonna be a cheer leader! :)
G-r-a-h-a-m "Grey Ham". Atta girl kiddo! My baby's gonna be a cheer leader! :)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Afro wig
Yup - I'm wearin an afro wig...just cuz I can. The Halloween decorations came out of the closet. I have a rather significant stash of costumes adn wigs alike and I must say that there's really very little that can compare to a big ole fro-wig. Yup - it's like the little black dress of wigs, if I do say so myself. 
I think those flu pills I took a little while ago may be messing with me...

I think those flu pills I took a little while ago may be messing with me...
Sick of sick!
I'm sick again! Crap! I just had the flu not that long we're talkin maybe a month ago?? I should have seen it coming. On Saturday, I wrapped up my last "order cake" although it kinda falls in the "cake for a friend" category too. Anyway - after a very hot shower I went to the crop and had a blast with my amazing sistah-friends whom I haven't seen in for-eh-vah. All day, though, I was kinda achy all over - not bad...just feeling crummy. Then, for no appearant reason, I got this awful stitch in my side and it wouldn't go away! I went home shortly after 2am and pretty much cried like a school girl cuz it hurt so bad...Sunday i still felt crummy but not so much that I couldn't function and Advil helped alot.
Yesterday at work, I started to take some daytime flu stuff. Boss-Man told me he could tell I was getting sick and not just with a cold. (I hate it when he's right) Anyhow - this morning I woke up and couldn't even move. It was as if every ounce of energy and strength had been sucked from my core and was replaced with nausea. All I could do was sit...even breathing hurt. I e-mailed Boss-Man to tell him I wouldn't be in (which really sucks cuz there's a HUGE meeting in Moncton this week that I'm supposed to be coordinating for Thursday and Friday, but he and all the rest of the Managers are at the first part of the meeting which starts today. Anyway, I need to kick this thing enough by tomorrow that I can get everything done that I need before leaving for Moncton on Thursday. Eek!
I went back to bed shortly after 7am and slept until almost I'm still sore all over...but can't sleep...but I reeeely want to. :(
I just don't get it. I know I need to take better care of myself. I know I need to eat better (or at all for that matter) and get lots of rest and take time for me...I know I need to slow down...but I've been doing that lately. I've been going to be earlier, I've been drinking more water and actually eating. So how come I've never been sick more often?? If this is an age thing - getting old bites!!!
Yesterday at work, I started to take some daytime flu stuff. Boss-Man told me he could tell I was getting sick and not just with a cold. (I hate it when he's right) Anyhow - this morning I woke up and couldn't even move. It was as if every ounce of energy and strength had been sucked from my core and was replaced with nausea. All I could do was sit...even breathing hurt. I e-mailed Boss-Man to tell him I wouldn't be in (which really sucks cuz there's a HUGE meeting in Moncton this week that I'm supposed to be coordinating for Thursday and Friday, but he and all the rest of the Managers are at the first part of the meeting which starts today. Anyway, I need to kick this thing enough by tomorrow that I can get everything done that I need before leaving for Moncton on Thursday. Eek!
I went back to bed shortly after 7am and slept until almost I'm still sore all over...but can't sleep...but I reeeely want to. :(
I just don't get it. I know I need to take better care of myself. I know I need to eat better (or at all for that matter) and get lots of rest and take time for me...I know I need to slow down...but I've been doing that lately. I've been going to be earlier, I've been drinking more water and actually eating. So how come I've never been sick more often?? If this is an age thing - getting old bites!!!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Zombified haze
Today, I walked around in a haze, noticing many things from the wrong perspective. There were 2 things in particular that jumped out at me when I logged in for this post...right now, though, only one of them comes to mind. I'll post the other mental note when...or if I remember, but for now - here it is...
I know it's supposed to give me that maternal pause with the automatic "awwwww", but instead, my brain immediately swerved to "head-lice!" Nope - not a shred of dreaminess in me today my freindly neighborhood bloggies. Not a shred.
I was standing in the way tooo slow line up at Tim Hortons this morning, waiting for my 2nd coffee of the day and saw this poster on the wall...

It's 1:15am...I'm so tired my face hurts. I can't hold my head eyes feel like they've been rolled in why the heck isn't my brain listening to the rest of me and shutting the heck down! :( I neeeeed sleeeeep! In less then 5 hours I have to be up and in the groove, cuz my bus arrives at 7:02an (roughly) and I get to resume the rest of my 2nd ridiculously insanely nutzo week in a row...and I can't even get to sleep. Not fair. Not fair at all...
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Back in business!!!
Did you know that Fredericton has a U-Wash Dog wash?? It used to be down town, but she recently moved to Hanwell and as of Tuesday, she's officially back in business!! Also - she has her own blog, that will be host to much of the goings on there...anyway - I figured I'd give a small heads up to check her out if you haven't already - your poochies will thank you for it!! :)
Friday, October 15, 2010
Holy crap what a week!!! Seriously - coordinating meetings, and taking minutes and running here and there for perfmace reviews for a zillion employees and a team of travel, meeting deadlines - realizing you missed deadlines and double timing it trying to catch up before it's a huge flub up, and chasing ridiculous tasks that make absolutely no sense adn take sooo much time you'd like to wring the askers neck - only cuz they didn't have teh set to say to their boss - "hey - this is a dumb exercise - what you really need is this, which will only take 2 minutes." Nope - nobody does that so I got to run my brain off all week...and then got to bring it all home with me today. You know it was bad when your boss looks at you at 3:50 and says "Well - I've had feel like leavin early too??"
Yup - this week was one heckuva week.
Yup - this week was one heckuva week.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Photographing a fish...
Have you ever tried to photograph a godlfish?? Well - it's a heckuva lot harder then you'd think! See - we have 2 new members in our Family. The first is Looshus. He's all gold and stuff. the strong silent type if you will...kinda camera shy - see for yourself!
I think it may have been the flash that coaxed him over...aint he sweet!?
I have to admit, I'm a sucker for those dreamy eyes and big lippy pout! :) He has a friend with him too! "Her" name is "Floo-wah" and she's a little koy ;)

"She" is the smaller of the two...and I think that tomorrow, we might add a 3rd named "Moyrah" :) Anyway, I gave up on getting a decent picture of either of them, and opted to take a pic of their happy little water home...can you see-em? :) I miss spunjee, but it's kinda cool to have un-constipated fish for a change! :)
On a similar note, Kiddo got a new Betta too - he's the coolest fighting fish I have ever seen! He's an irradescent pink with red spots - totally light colored, and has TONS of personality! If I can get a pic of him...I'll definately post it here :)

Saturday, October 9, 2010
Memory Lane...
I've been looking through some old pics tonight cuz there's not much else to do and I found this one...
I have to say - there's something about this pic that just screams "FUN"! :)
Comfy etc...
Friday, October 8, 2010

I delivered my 2nd to the last order cake yesterday. Today, I got an e-mail that it was a smash hit! :) I Loved everything about it! The chocolate cake recipe that I use is super moist and super rich and just too delicious to put into words! I got to try my hand at chocolate fondant too! AND the colors were sooper yummy! Chocolate base, with purple, orange, pink, blue and lime green pokee dots! I was very happy with it. I think if any cake were going to be my 2nd to last cake...I'm very plaesed to end on this note. :)
On a seperate note...Spunjee died today. Poor fishie. I guess that's what 3 years of constipation'll do to a guy.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
My 3D Niece in progress!!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
2 of 3...
Tonight, I bake my 2nd to the last "order cake" that marks the end of Hollee-Cakes forever...It's a baby shower cake, like the 1st birthday cake I did for the twins a few months back. And - coolest of cool...they actually want CHOCOLATE!!! WOOT! How come more people don't insist on chocolate?? It's a highly under-rated flavor! :) Anyhow - they want an cream background, with orange, lavendar, bright pink and lime green - Awe-Summmm! :) I'm looking forward to it - mostly, though, I'm looking forward to the chocolate :)
Monday, October 4, 2010
1 down...and 8 in
Well - the 1st of my final 3 cakes just walked out the door, and I didn't even take a picture. It was a whale cake. A blue one. It turned out fondant was a little prickley, but she Loved it :)
On another note, today marks the 8th anniversary of the day I married my Hottie :) We went out for dinner to Montanna's - Yumm! I was trying to find a way to get his fine self into that Viking hat, but alas, lying about his birthday just seemed like bad karma. :) and so - it will remain in my book of fantasies...Tidy-whities and viking hat! Yowza! ;)
On another note, today marks the 8th anniversary of the day I married my Hottie :) We went out for dinner to Montanna's - Yumm! I was trying to find a way to get his fine self into that Viking hat, but alas, lying about his birthday just seemed like bad karma. :) and so - it will remain in my book of fantasies...Tidy-whities and viking hat! Yowza! ;)
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Bye Bye Love
Grown up decisions suck sometimes, and this one is no exception. Between now and the end of October, I have 3 cakes to do. After that, I'm sad to say that "Hollee-cakes" is shutting down. I Love baking and decorating (and frosting - yumm!) But I just can't do it anymore. Aside from it being hard on my hands (A new development over the last 2 years, that is really making me feel old) it really takes a lot from my Family. It trashes my kitchen, makes a huge mess that takes forever to clean up and eats up time that I should be spending with my girls. Plus, October marks the 4th anniversary of DH being sick with no end in the forseeable future. And so...I'm at that point in my life where I need to simplify. I need to cut out all the things that keep me away from what really matters - Family & Friends, cuz at the end of the day...if I don't have either of those...It really doesn't matter how cute my cakes are.
I want to say a HUGE Thank you to everyone who has blessed me with the chance to bake a cake for them. I had a blast and am very thankful for the opportunity to make your special occasions a littlie yummier.
I must say that this was the tastiest chapter I have ever closed, and I will miss it...but it sure was fun. :)
I want to say a HUGE Thank you to everyone who has blessed me with the chance to bake a cake for them. I had a blast and am very thankful for the opportunity to make your special occasions a littlie yummier.
I must say that this was the tastiest chapter I have ever closed, and I will miss it...but it sure was fun. :)
Friday, October 1, 2010
What a week!!!
This week really thumped the heck out of my sails, and I'm really not even sure why...
Monday - hmmm...don't even really remember Monday much...
Tuesday - double hmmm...can't say I remember it much either??
Wednesday - work was ridiculous (even though I had taken a vacation day)!! Got home in time to grab kiddo and take her to my boss's new place cuz she's kitty sitting for them while he and his wife are away next week. (thank gawd cuz she's been so over-the-moon excited about it that I was worried I'd have to trank her!) Then after that I ran her home, and scooted back in town to help Lynn (a.k.a. U-Wash Dog wash owner) move to the new shop! IT'S SOOOO FREAKIN AWESOME!!! I can't wait till she's all set up! The new shop is terrific!! After that, I got home, made a grill cheese and flopped on the couch with a bad movie and my crocheting.
Last night...A big friggin blurrr - lots of home work and more crochet (I had to finish a hat for this morning) got to bed late... up - got the kids on the bus - got to work run run all day - phones ringing off the hook - too many meetings and events to organize that I can't even keep crap straight! didn't get out till 5:15 (groan!) Got home just in time to leap out the door in about 20 minutes to take kiddo to youth group and the next thing I know, it'll be Monday! *sigh* I'm soooooooo tired. :(
Monday - hmmm...don't even really remember Monday much...
Tuesday - double hmmm...can't say I remember it much either??
Wednesday - work was ridiculous (even though I had taken a vacation day)!! Got home in time to grab kiddo and take her to my boss's new place cuz she's kitty sitting for them while he and his wife are away next week. (thank gawd cuz she's been so over-the-moon excited about it that I was worried I'd have to trank her!) Then after that I ran her home, and scooted back in town to help Lynn (a.k.a. U-Wash Dog wash owner) move to the new shop! IT'S SOOOO FREAKIN AWESOME!!! I can't wait till she's all set up! The new shop is terrific!! After that, I got home, made a grill cheese and flopped on the couch with a bad movie and my crocheting.
Last night...A big friggin blurrr - lots of home work and more crochet (I had to finish a hat for this morning) got to bed late... up - got the kids on the bus - got to work run run all day - phones ringing off the hook - too many meetings and events to organize that I can't even keep crap straight! didn't get out till 5:15 (groan!) Got home just in time to leap out the door in about 20 minutes to take kiddo to youth group and the next thing I know, it'll be Monday! *sigh* I'm soooooooo tired. :(
Sunday, September 26, 2010
About Saint Bernards
In reading the book "Saint Bernards - a complete pet owners manuel" by Linda Walker, it reads;
"The Saint Bernard is eager to please, and makes a devoted family pet"
Bitch lied!
The chapter marked "preparing your yard" that outlines the steps to remove poisonous plants to protect your pet, should have read...Start by removing the poisonous stuff...your Saint will eat the rest!
The book goes on and on about what a joy the Saint Bernard is...what she doesn't explain is that they're a royal Pain in the A$$ too! Don't get me wrong, I Love her to pieces, but let me elaborate a little on where my frustrations lie...
Scenario 1 - Daisy is running back and forth behind my shrubs, chewing on them like mad! I immediately tell her no - she tops, smiles at me...and continues to chew on the shrub. I tell her "Come!" more running, more chewing and I eventually walk accross the yard to drag her into the house.
Scenario 2 - starts the same way...this time, though, I walk out to the edge of the deck, I wistle to get her attention and hold a cheese slice high in the air - BAM! I have her immediate and undevided attention and when I say "Come!" she prances in the house like a drag queen in stilletto's. (Saints are clumsy when they're young.)
Willing to please?? I do hope it starts soon...
"The Saint Bernard is eager to please, and makes a devoted family pet"
Bitch lied!
The chapter marked "preparing your yard" that outlines the steps to remove poisonous plants to protect your pet, should have read...Start by removing the poisonous stuff...your Saint will eat the rest!
The book goes on and on about what a joy the Saint Bernard is...what she doesn't explain is that they're a royal Pain in the A$$ too! Don't get me wrong, I Love her to pieces, but let me elaborate a little on where my frustrations lie...
Scenario 1 - Daisy is running back and forth behind my shrubs, chewing on them like mad! I immediately tell her no - she tops, smiles at me...and continues to chew on the shrub. I tell her "Come!" more running, more chewing and I eventually walk accross the yard to drag her into the house.
Scenario 2 - starts the same way...this time, though, I walk out to the edge of the deck, I wistle to get her attention and hold a cheese slice high in the air - BAM! I have her immediate and undevided attention and when I say "Come!" she prances in the house like a drag queen in stilletto's. (Saints are clumsy when they're young.)
Willing to please?? I do hope it starts soon...
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Disney wrecked my kids!
My kids are behaving like cheeky and obnoxious dough-heads and it's all Disney's fault!!
When I was a kid, I remember watching shows like Little House on the Prairie, the littlest Hobo, the friendly giant, Mr. Dress up, Mr. Rogers, Gem, Danger Bay, the Cosby show, full house, gummy Bears…the list goes on. And of those shows…none of them taught me how to behave like a moron, speak with disrespect and generally act out like a baboon! Today's shows, however are teaching my girls that it's ok to leap out of your chair in the middle of class and blurt out "I'VE GOTTA PEE!" Because the grown up teacher is an idiot. Think of it for a minute…Hanna Montana, Wizards of Waverly, Zack & Cody (The creator of Z&C should be flogged for his influence on the young brains of our nation!) etc…of all these shows, which one demonstrates a child who behaves "normal"? A child who makes mistakes, creates mischief, suffers consequences and learns from them under the watchful eye of a stable parent? Well - that's easy - NONE!! Instead, they're all animated rejects who over emphasize their words and dramatize their points with the IQ's of turnips - and I just can't stand them! It got so bad that we even cancelled our cable...and I don't think it has made a difference!!
When my goons are being constantly infused with geek-speak…how, as a parent, am I supposed to un-do it? I think Disney should cover my therapy bill…or at least make a sizable donation to my liquor cabinet, cuz if my 7 year old greets me with "w'sup" one more time...
*the remaining paragraphs of this post have been removed by management to protect the author from bad things that might happen if she says them out loud*
When I was a kid, I remember watching shows like Little House on the Prairie, the littlest Hobo, the friendly giant, Mr. Dress up, Mr. Rogers, Gem, Danger Bay, the Cosby show, full house, gummy Bears…the list goes on. And of those shows…none of them taught me how to behave like a moron, speak with disrespect and generally act out like a baboon! Today's shows, however are teaching my girls that it's ok to leap out of your chair in the middle of class and blurt out "I'VE GOTTA PEE!" Because the grown up teacher is an idiot. Think of it for a minute…Hanna Montana, Wizards of Waverly, Zack & Cody (The creator of Z&C should be flogged for his influence on the young brains of our nation!) etc…of all these shows, which one demonstrates a child who behaves "normal"? A child who makes mistakes, creates mischief, suffers consequences and learns from them under the watchful eye of a stable parent? Well - that's easy - NONE!! Instead, they're all animated rejects who over emphasize their words and dramatize their points with the IQ's of turnips - and I just can't stand them! It got so bad that we even cancelled our cable...and I don't think it has made a difference!!
When my goons are being constantly infused with geek-speak…how, as a parent, am I supposed to un-do it? I think Disney should cover my therapy bill…or at least make a sizable donation to my liquor cabinet, cuz if my 7 year old greets me with "w'sup" one more time...
*the remaining paragraphs of this post have been removed by management to protect the author from bad things that might happen if she says them out loud*
Sunday, September 19, 2010
No Saint Bernards were harmed in the making of this cake...
It's always kinda freeky when I find stuff and can't recall where it came from. I found these cake "attachments" in my cake cupboard and have no idea where I got them. (???) Oh well - I used them this weekend for a Princess cake for the CUTEST 4 year old on the planet!! :) she wanted a princess cake with ALL the princess's on it so this was perfect!
When I started to build the cake, I was washing the attachments, though, and I think I'm missing 2 of the turrets, cuz there are 4 round castle roof things...but only 2 of the plastic tower wrap arounds?? Oh well - none the less, I plunked the other 2 tops on the back and it all worked out just fine :)
I also got to try my hand at basket weave frosting again. It originally was flat-frosted and that was sooooper boring, so I had to add some texture. Even with the all white basket weave, it was still missing something, so I added the vines and leaves and voila! All done! :)

There was really only 1 snag...
When Lucy was around, she knew to automatically leave the kitchen the second my mixer slid out. She'd sit patiently in the next room, waiting for the odd scrap of cake carvings or frosting blobs, and when I was all done and the cake was boxed safely...she'd get to come in a "clean my floors. :) Those days are gone...
Typically, when I have a cake to do, I mix up 1 giant batch of frosting, then draw from that to mix each color 1 at a time. As they're mixed, I lay them out on the counter - side by side - until they're all bagged, and tipped and ready to use. So - I filled a bag with white for the basket weave...I turned and mixed a batch of pink-ish for the trim...I turned and mixed a batch of green for the vines...or at least - I think I did??? I piped the white basket weave, then reached for the pink. I decided to do the vines first, so that I could overlap the pink trim and hide the start of each vine. I set the pink down and reached for the green!! ??!! WTH? I was positive I had mixed green!!! Hadn't I?? I looked in the sink, and there was my green bowl, scraped clean from loading the icing bag. ??! I must have put it down somewhere - but where? I looked around the kitchen, dining room, bathroom (ewe - I would never take frosting there but checked just in case) and nothing! Oh well - I'll mix some more but pipe the pink stuff first. I reach for the pink and IT'S GONE!!!!! OK - WTH?! I look all around, look under the table...I stand there baffled for 2 seconds and then it hits me - OMG! DAISY!!!!!!! I race into the living room, and there she sat, politely licking the pink and green frosting as though she were trying to woo it into submission! AAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
I had made an enormous batch of frosting, as I had a couple other cakes to do this weekend and wanted to make it up ahead of time...thankfully, It left enough for me to re-mix the pink and green!!! Anyway - the cake got finised in any case and I'll have to make an extra batch of frosting...I Love my Daisy-May, but I really miss the days of being able to walk away from a cake on the counter and not have to inspect it for tongue marks when I get back. :(
Friday, September 17, 2010
Admitting you have a problem...
Admitting you have a problem is the first step! lol

Look what I got for Daisy! :)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Is a Barbie without feet still a Barbie??
Cuz Daisy seems to be creating a ton of un-Barbies lately! :S The only thing worse is finding them in the back yard...tomorrow. (insert shudder here)
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Blast from the passed!
When I was in the 3rd grade, I met my 1st ever BFF. Stephanie and I were like peas & carrots for the next many years. We were always good kids too. We never got into any trouble (together anyway) and pretty much walked the straight and narrow.
Over the years, she and I have stayed in touch. We both have families of our own and have exchanged fairly regular updates on which kiddo is how old and who's in what grade, what hubbies are doing and life in general. Today, we work in the same building for the same peeps and get to chat pretty much daily. :)
This morning, she sent me an e-mail and said she had something to show me…You'll never guess what she brought down!!
When we were 16, we took my old Malibu, and drove to PEI for the week. We rented a cottage and just hung out. When we tried to check in, though, the lady at the front counter refused to let us have the room because she was sure we were going to be partying and having boys over etc. (which was the furthest thing from our minds) Stephanie's Mom called the hotel and went up one side and down the other, until she consented to let us have the room we had already paid for...And - true to our word, we didn't make a sound the entire stay.
Over the years, she and I have stayed in touch. We both have families of our own and have exchanged fairly regular updates on which kiddo is how old and who's in what grade, what hubbies are doing and life in general. Today, we work in the same building for the same peeps and get to chat pretty much daily. :)
This morning, she sent me an e-mail and said she had something to show me…You'll never guess what she brought down!!

What a blast from the passed this was!!! :) I cant' believe how young I look!! It seems that the last 20 years have not been kind to me! Lol She - on the other hand - looks exactly the same (with better hair today though.) My only other thought is...What in the world were our parents thinking??!!! :) Oh to be young again!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Stewing over Fall
Regardless of my fondness for warmer weather, I do Love Fall. Mornings are crisp, the air is clean, the trees are pretty and, for me anyway, fashion choices are easier. (My entire wardrobe is built for fall). The other part that I love is the food! Fall seems to be the season of stews and pies and apple-ish things. Pickles and preserves...all of which are on my list of faves! Tonight, I decided to make the first Beff Stew of the season and am eating a sooper hot bowl as I type with one hand...which is a challenge really, cuz I'm having a hard time with the spoon! :) 
I chopped up Potatoes, carrots, celery, broccoli...tossed in some peas and corn and made a HUGE batch of dough-boys! I seasoned it with sea-salt, ground pepper, sesame oil and garlic and (if I do say so myself) it's pretty freakin delicious! :) DH doesn't like thick stew, though, so I made my dough-boys in the electric frying pan and used a bunch of the extra broth.
The end result is going to make me sick because I can't stop eating it! :) I plan to take a break, though, to make a HUGE banana bread tonight. :)
Did I mention I love fall?? :)

I chopped up Potatoes, carrots, celery, broccoli...tossed in some peas and corn and made a HUGE batch of dough-boys! I seasoned it with sea-salt, ground pepper, sesame oil and garlic and (if I do say so myself) it's pretty freakin delicious! :) DH doesn't like thick stew, though, so I made my dough-boys in the electric frying pan and used a bunch of the extra broth.

Did I mention I love fall?? :)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
I Love my puppy but she can be a total pain in the ass! Holy crap! Tonight, she's ticked cuz we ordered poutine from the Diplomat and purposely blocked her access to our food with a laundry hamper. She sat there on complete alert and whyned and stared through our the end, kiddo gently fed her fries though. You'd think that she'd be happy but the last half hour (while I've tried to get a few minutes to myself) She found the cardboard container for the fries that kiddo left downstairs and tore that all to pieces, she chewed up a webkinz parrot, a starshine owl, 2 coloring books, a pen and I just took a mangled Barbie out of her face!!! AUGH! I love my puppy, but she can be a total pain in the ass!!
Monday, September 6, 2010
The final count down...
tick-tock-tick-tock Tonight marks the final sleep before my little "dream-stealers" start their respective journeys into grade 3 french immersion and grade 7 middle school. Unfortunately, I'm still suffering from ma Nyquil drunk and can't seem to get my head on straight. I've been battling this crazy cough for a week now (have I mentioned that I despise summer colds?). During the day, I've been trying to cough my face off so that at night I can turn it off with liquid codeine and some funky orange flavored miracle that when combined offer me a sweet 5 hour streach of cough free sleep...trouble is - I ran out yesterday. And because I have to piggy back it all with nyquil so that I can sleep...I'm a total zombie the next day...I've never been on nyquil so long before and I have to say that it is not a most excellent adventure.
On the home front, though, my baked beans smell very tastee and are crocking in the crock pot. I cheated and bought my spoon bread (oh well) but plan to teach 12 year old DD how to make rolls this afternoon...and now - if I can manage to not fall over from Nyquil enduced vertigo I plan to hang clothes on the line cuz tomorrow is back to school and honestly - who doesn't feel cozy and ready for dream land in line dried bedding?? :)
(*note - this post likely makes way less sense then I planned...but thanks to Nyquil the letters are dancing around my screen like a chorus line. I'm sure I'll get a chuckle out of it later - and may have to clarify a point or two...until then - I'm off was I gonna do?*)
On the home front, though, my baked beans smell very tastee and are crocking in the crock pot. I cheated and bought my spoon bread (oh well) but plan to teach 12 year old DD how to make rolls this afternoon...and now - if I can manage to not fall over from Nyquil enduced vertigo I plan to hang clothes on the line cuz tomorrow is back to school and honestly - who doesn't feel cozy and ready for dream land in line dried bedding?? :)
(*note - this post likely makes way less sense then I planned...but thanks to Nyquil the letters are dancing around my screen like a chorus line. I'm sure I'll get a chuckle out of it later - and may have to clarify a point or two...until then - I'm off was I gonna do?*)
Sunday, September 5, 2010
A perfect fall day...
Only one more sleep until Summer Vacation is over an my girls are back in school. Today was a lazy day, but I must admit that I've been out of my "groove" for months. This week (with back to school on the horizon) I made it a point to plan meals for the week and get lunch ideas from the girls. I swung by Michaels to pick up some white ink (for Christmas cards - I'll post those later) Then we went to the Country Pumpkin for some veggies and to the grocery store for the in betweens. When we got home everyone pitched in to clean out the fridge, freezer and cupboards and get dinner started. Now - Meatloaf is cooking with some fresh buttercup squash and baked potatoes...and even better still - I have yellow eyed beans soaking for Boston baked beans with spoon bread for tomorrow night! Yummmmm!!! I soo can't wait! I'm really looking forward to getting back into a routine - I miss routines - they're good and I like them. They make my life easier and although I would like to believe that I can be a free spirit who throws caution to the wind and makes decisions on the spot - or not...I'm a routine girl. I like predictability, and order and structure and when I have those things - good things (like baked beans and home made cookies) happen.
One more sleep till back to school yawl! :) I'm off to stab my squash - he he :)
One more sleep till back to school yawl! :) I'm off to stab my squash - he he :)
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Impromptu baking
So - after I wrapped up highlights, and cleaned up a HUGE Daisy-puddle, I peeked in on my fave
scrappin site SnC where a fellow scrapper had baked some soooper yummy lookin cookies! And that's pretty much all it took - I had the baking bug!!! I dove into the cupboards, and within 1 hour I had 6 dozen of my most very favorite peanut butter chocolate chip cookies to consume as I see fit!

Back to School Highlights
7 year old kiddo has been driving my nutz for highlights, and I have consistently said no. Today, though, she cornered me in the dye Isle and pleaded for them. She was so excited about the idea of dying her hair I couldn't stand it for another minute and finally agreed. I'm sure the Isles of Zellers had never before heard such glee squeeled from within but there it was.
I had said yes and it was too late to take it back. They didn't have the right color there so off to "The Mart of Wal" we went to buy indoor and outdoor shoes guessed it - Highlights! I decided to do them myself instead of paying a fortune to have them done somewhere else, and picked up a box of "Light golden blonde" for the total summ of $5.49. I also picked up a highlight kit (the skull cap, brush and crochet hook to yank hair out form under the cap) and home we went. She sat patient and still while I foiled her hair ever so slightly. (Her big sister was the proud beneficiary of the rest of the bottle).
I only left it in for 10 minutes instead of the required 20-30 minutes (She's 7 remember?) And when I rinsed it out, she was bursting to see her hair. I played the sneeky card, though, and made her shower so that I could blow dry her hair and "reveal" the new glistening colors that would adorn her head and I have never seen that child bath so quickly before!! I must say - I don't regret a nickle and she couldn't be happier...or cuter - if I do say so myself! :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010
1000 days of constipation...and peas.
Who knew fish could get constipated?? Not me! I was feelin pretty bad about Bubbles today and decided to google a treatment for floating upside down. I knew it had something to do with his swim bladder, but was never really able to find an explination and the treatments never worked. Today, though, I happenned upon a site that said he could be constipated and to feed him peas! WHAT?! Feed my goldfish Peas?! And so I did. Tonight, I squished a pea into the tank and he ate it!!??!!! COOL! Even cooler is that tonight, his belly isn't as fat and he's swimming like a normal fish!! Whoda thunk?! I think it's awesome that he's as close to normal as he has been in 3 years...but Man I suck as a fish owner...cuz I left the poor guy all bunged up for over 1000 days! Yeesh! Sorry little guy! :(
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
YAY! I can't wait to get my hands on my next cake!!!!! It's for "Little Princess" and I have been given creative freedom!! WOO-HOO!!!! And - I picked up these cool little doo-dads for it tonight!!! :) I've been dying to try them out and WOO - HOO!!! Today is the day!!! well - ok - next week is the day but still! Cake wires!! Aren't they cool!!! ??? As always - pics will be posted! :)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Growing, New hobbies and more...

On the Hobbie front... I'm almost embarassed to admit that I have picked up a new one! I actually started it about a year ago, but I'm LOVING it!!! I LOVE scrapping, and baking and card making and cake making and various other things...but this one I can pick up and put down anytime and can enjoy in front of the TV while DH watches zombie movies!!! Wanna know what it is?? (In case the HUGE pic to the left didn't give it away)
I've been crochet'ing like a fiend lately...but have given it all away! eek!
Daisy is growing waaaay too fast!!! she's already way too close to 80lbs and is too big for the chair. 
Her solution...take up the entire couch instead! :)


Here's my most recent project (just wrapped it up tonight!) Aint she sweet?! I like the hat too! :) Super warm and cozy and looks really cute on kiddo!
I've been crochet'ing like a fiend lately...but have given it all away! eek!
Monday, August 30, 2010

Meet Bubbles...He's almost 5 years old, and has been bustin this move for almost 3! Cuz that's how we roll in these here parts! Believe me when I tell you - he's very much alive and "well" he he.
God help me...even my fish is weird! :S*p.s. this post was way funnier when Dianna Ross was singing "Up side down" in the background! ;)
Ugly trooth...
I found a chocolate bar in my desk today…it was opened…and I’m not sure how long it has been there. I ate it anyway...I'm weak!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Advil - Nuthin
Robax - Nuthin
Tylenol - Nuthin
Aleve....Rawks!!! I must say that I'm on a most excellent adventure! Thank you aleve for allowing me to bend in the middle! :)
Robax - Nuthin
Tylenol - Nuthin
Aleve....Rawks!!! I must say that I'm on a most excellent adventure! Thank you aleve for allowing me to bend in the middle! :)
Thursday, August 26, 2010
A pain in the A$&
Yesterday afternoon, I was helping a colleague tape her headset speaker to her telephone and WHAM! My sciatic nerve went out and I almost hit the floor!! I played it cool, though, and wall-hugged my way back to my desk and camped out for a bit but finally had to leave 3hrs early. I spent the night resting and baby-ing my back and this morning it wasn't much better. Back to work I went make a long story short - I'm at day 2 with no improvement! I hate having a bad back! I reeely reeely hate it! I had huge plans for this week and this weekend and now I'm gonna spend them in bed!! >:( Having a bad back is a total pain in the A$%!!! I'm not impressed. :(
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
I'M SO EXCITED I COULD PEE!!! My kiddo sis (who is a mere 4 years younger then me but rubs it in constantly that I'm her "MUCH older sister") is expecting and IT'S A GIRL!!! IT'S A GIRL!!! IT'S A GIRL!!!! SHE on the other hand, is mortified because SHE want's a boy-child instead. She already has my nephew (who is 10 - no wait! 11!) and for whatever reason has decided the baby MUST be a boy. Today, though, they had their ultrasound and suspicions were confirmed - There are no boy parts on this baby!!! YIPPPEEEEEEE!!! I'm so thrilled to get that news, cuz otherwise, today pretty much blew. :(
Monday, August 23, 2010
- 1 crayola marker
- a snowflake stamp from the Stampinup Very Merry set.
- 1/3 of a 2L bottle of Canada Dry (and its contents)
- The button from 3 slippers
- One and a half fuzzy socks
- A teddy bear arm
- The forehead of a Barbie
- A Care Bear figurine
- The corner off of Franklins story book collection
- the Paper Bag Princess
- 12 Christmas cards (that I made for this year)
- a bottle of stickles
- a bag of cotton swabs for removing eye make up
- a flip flop
- a croc (the left one)
- A glove
- 3 clothes pins
- the crusty end of a shoe lace
All within 3 hours...All consumed by Miss Daisy May Pospolita. She is in bed now until my eye stops twitching.
And 2 reusable shopping bags - 1 from Sobeys and 1 from Toys R Us. Lord help me!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Cheeseburger Dorito's
If u find yourself talked into trying Cheeseburger Dorito' Try a couple, just so that you can experience the pure chemical infusion that tastes surprisingly like a McDonalds cheeseburger (complete with onions, ketchup and pickles). If, however, you think you should continue beyond 2 or 3...don't. I would also recommend against eating 1/3 of a large bag of cheeseburger Dorito's, if you plan to chase them down with a 16oz slushie from the Irving. You know the ones I'm talking about...the ones in the clear sided box mixer with the rotating paddle that keeps it in constant motion with the light up top that reads whimsical funnies like "Made with 100% nuclear waste" and such - yeah that stuff...Well - if you plan to chug a slushy so that it mixes in your stomach with a 1/3 of a bag of Cheeseburger Dorito's...May God have mercy on your soul...and stomach.
I'm off to drink an entire bottle of pepto bismol now...
I'm off to drink an entire bottle of pepto bismol now...
Thursday, August 19, 2010
My puppy is broken!!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Enough with the personal growth already!!!
July 20th (ish)
August 18th (ish)

Ummm Houston?? We have a problem...
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Better then sex Dinner!!!
I like to try new recipes, but usually keep things simple - nothing too freaky cuz I need to be sure my peeps will still eat it weather it turns out or not. Lately, though, I've been stalking the Pioneer Woman's blog (which may be why I've gained 8lbs in the last 2 months!) Damn you PW and your completely unhealthy but oh-so delicious recipes!! I'm sure I gained 4 of those pounds last night while reading her cinnamon bun recipe which requires you to drizzle a mere 2 CUPS OF MELTED BUTTER over the rolled dough!! Holy SH*& that's a ton of butter!!! But then I wanted sticky buns and could totally hear my arteries hardening as I lusted for them...
So where was I?? Oh - right! Better then sex dinner!! So - I pulled her recipe for Beef Stew with Mushrooms. It's definately Man-Food, but has all the things I like. Meat, mushrooms, pasta, could I go wrong?? So - off to the grocery store with list in hand and then home to whip it up. It's simmering as we speak, but I snuck one teeeeny little mushroom to taste (at the beginning of it's very long 40 minute simmering) and SWEET MOMMAH!! I am pretty sure I heard angels sing! It's wicked friggin good!!! The kind of good that normally leaves you exhausted, panting and needing a cigarette (if ya know what I'm sayin! wink-wink) Anyhoo - It's definately on my list of faves...and after dinner tonight, I'm gonna have to find a skinny-chick-cooks blog to get me off the delicious road that is leading me to fatness!! :)
So where was I?? Oh - right! Better then sex dinner!! So - I pulled her recipe for Beef Stew with Mushrooms. It's definately Man-Food, but has all the things I like. Meat, mushrooms, pasta, could I go wrong?? So - off to the grocery store with list in hand and then home to whip it up. It's simmering as we speak, but I snuck one teeeeny little mushroom to taste (at the beginning of it's very long 40 minute simmering) and SWEET MOMMAH!! I am pretty sure I heard angels sing! It's wicked friggin good!!! The kind of good that normally leaves you exhausted, panting and needing a cigarette (if ya know what I'm sayin! wink-wink) Anyhoo - It's definately on my list of faves...and after dinner tonight, I'm gonna have to find a skinny-chick-cooks blog to get me off the delicious road that is leading me to fatness!! :)
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Ghetto-Gahgstah Squirrels
Until this year, we had a family of ghetto gangstah thug ground hogs living under the shed in the back yard. They tormented Lucy for years, causing her to yelp and pee all over the darn place. Since the arrival of Daisy, though, they seem to have learned their place. Taking their place, though, is a rogue red squirrel and I'm pretty sure he's possessed. He's definately a decendant of Hannibal Lector (*insert visual of tied up squirrel with face mask here*). I'm sitting at my computer, minding my own business - surfing blogs and crochet patterns and I hear a scritching at my window - I look up - nothing. I hear it again - I look up and thought I saw something flash passed the window. (*note - the window is in the basement - at ground level so the bottom of it is literally 1" up off of the dirt in the flower bed that is in front of it.) Anyhoo - I hear it again and when I look up, there's this crazy red squirrle hanging off the darn screen starring in at me!!! WTH?! Seriously stuck on the screen giving me the hairy eyeball!! Of course I screamed! then I realized what it was - and got up and juped towards teh window...he didn't budge and tightened his gaze!!! Then I tapped on the window and he freakin sassed me!!! When I finally pointed the camera at him - he bolted!!! I'm pretty sure I'm being invaded!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
I need to make something
I'm not sure what...but I need to make something. Something tangeable (sp?) with a result - something that doesn't need to be eaten, leaving only a dirty plate behind and work to do (like dishes). Something that will make me smile - and make someone else smile too...something fun and pretty and creative that servs a purpose...I need to make something tonight - but I'm not sure what...
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Pocket Pooches
People with pocket pooches drive me crazy! You know the people I'm talking about - the ones with itty bitty doggies who dress them up to look like people in silly hats and accessories. Why?! Seriously! and that's why I got a Saint Bernard!! Cuz they look soo freakin adorable when you dress them up and not silly at all!!!!! (heart)
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