I don't remember exactly where I started scrapping, but it had to be somewhere!! lol I know that at some point I evicted the kids toys out form under the television and had rubbermaid containers storing my stuff...wow! That was a long time ago!
My first official scrap space was a closet that DH built! I remember saying one day that our bedroom closet was a disaster and if we were smart we would build a full wall closet at the other end of our bedroom (which is now our TV room btw) anyway, one afternoon while I was at work he built me my closet! What a dream boat!! The end result was that I got my very first scrap space and it was wonderful!!! Everything had a place and I got a ton of use out of it...until...I had to move. :(
My next space was much less wonderful! I moved into DH's computer room...and it was definately a downgrade and I was miserable! Especially since he had my old scrap space brimming over with his computer mess!!
Then he had the idea that I could share a space with the girls! A scrap room / play room combo!! What a terrific idea!! That would mean that our bedroom would become our Play Room/ Scrap Room combo! It was huge and huge and huge and beautiful! The stuff that dreams are made of!!! and it was alll mine!! Until he took it away :(
So there I was...spaceless! Out of desperation, I took the upstairs room in the "addition". It was a small room, only 9x11 with no door. It was an open concept space off of our stairway / back door...but nobody else wanted it so it was mine. It was also a huge traffic zone and a dumping space for anything that didn't have a home or people were too lazy to put back! grrr!
I'm pretty sure this room was never clean! Like...ever!! Eventually, 2 guinea pigs moved into the space and I hated it even more!! It was always in my face and I couldn't escape anyone in it! And so...I devised a plan! lol For the first time ever, I decided to take a space away from hubby!!! I convinced him that the girls needed a place to do homework etc. and that he could build a closet for his computer which would give me back his computer room to fix up as I saw fit! Guess what! HE TOTALLY BOUGHT IT!! And that's where the ne next part of my Scrap Room Chronicles begins!!
Trouble is...it began like this! :(